Progetti: Architetture
- TRUSTroke
- SmartWave – A Smart Platform for Marine Environmental Monitoring
- TEXTAROSSA - Towards EXtreme scale Technologies and AcceleRatOrS for HW/SW Supercomputing Applications for exascale
- HERMES (High-pErformance pRogrammable Microprocessor and dEvelopment of Software ecosystem)
- Mixed-Criticality Fault-Tolerant Systems for the Future Generation of Spacecraft Computers
- LIGATE LIgand Generator and portable drug discovery platform AT Exascale
- APROPOS - Approximate Computing for Power and Energy Optimisation
- EVEREST - dEsign enVironmEnt foR Extreme-Scale big data analyTics on heterogeneous platforms
- Exscalate4CoV project: faster drug discovery to fight the Coronavirus
- AI4DI - Artificial Intelligence for Digitizing Industry
- HERMES-SP - High Energy Rapid Modular Ensemble of Satellites, Scientific Pathfinder
- RECIPE - REliable power and time-ConstraInts-aware Predictive management of heterogeneous Exascale systems
- Information Security Services Education in Serbia – ISSES
- HARPooning Design Automation for Data Analytics
- Hardware parallelization of cores accessing memory with irregular access patterns
- RAMSES - Internet Forensic Platform for Tracking the money flow of financially-motivated malware
- PROTASIS - Restoring Trust in the Cyber Space: a Systems Security Proposal
- SAFECOP - Safe Cooperating Cyber-Physical Systems Using Wireless Communication
- M2DC - Modular Microserver Datacentre
- EXTRA - Exploiting Exascale Technology with reconfigurable Architectures
- ANTAREX - AutoTuning and Adaptivety appRoach for Energy efficient eXascale HPC systems
- FIND2: A flexible functional diagnosis framework based on machine-learning technique
- SCUOLA - Smart Campus as Urban Open LAbs
- CONTREX - Design of embedded mixed-criticality CONTRol systems under consideration of EXtra-functional properties
- HARPA - Harnessing Performance Variability
- Integrated Checkpoint
- MEDIAN Manufacturable and dependable multicore architectures at nanoscale
- FASTER - Facilitating Analysis and Synthesis Technologies for Effective Reconfiguration
- TOISE Trusted Computing for European Embedded Systems
- SMECY Smart multicore embedded systems
- 2PARMA - PARallel PAradigms and Run-time MAnagement techniques for Many-core Architectures
- Sistemi digitali ad alta affidabilità e tolleranti ai guasti in tecnologie nanometriche: caratterizzazione e metodologie progettuali
- COMPLEX: COdesign and power Management in PLatform-based design space Exploration
- MIARIA – Monitoraggio Idrogeologico Adattativo a Supporto del Piano di Rischio Integrato Alpino
- Synaptic
- SCALOPES - SCAlable LOw Power Embedded platforms
- WOMBAT – Worldwide Observatory of Malicious Behaviors and Attack Tools
- Affidabilità e qualità del servizio in sistemi di monitoraggio basati su Wireless Sensor Networks per applicazioni critiche
- hArtes
- Sicurezza delle informazioni in un sistema di acquisizione, ricezione, archiviazione ed elaborazione di dati