Progetti: Dati, web e società
- Through the City
- PERIVALLON - Protecting the EuRopean terrItory from organised enVironmentAl crime through inteLLigent threat detectiON tools
- Next Generation UPP
- 5A – Autonomie per l’Autismo Attraverso realtà virtuale, realtà Aumentata e Agenti conversazionali
- PERISCOPE - Pan-European Response To The Impacts Of Covid-19 And Future Pandemics And Epidemics
- PRECEPT - A Novel Decentralized Edge-Enabled PREsCriptivE and ProacTive Framework for Increased Energy Efficiency and Well-Being in Residential Buildings
- PENNY - Psychological, social and financial barriers to energy efficiency
- GeCO – Data Driven Genomic Computing
- City4Age - Advanced technologies for detecting risks and helping the elderly
- P3S - Playful Supervised Smart Spaces Project
- MEP - Map for Easy Paths
- FIND2: A flexible functional diagnosis framework based on machine-learning technique
- SmartH2O: an ICT Platform to leverage on Social Computing for the efficient management of Water Consumption
- PROACTIVE: PROtezione del territorio con infrAttrutture ICT avanzate, cIttadinanza attiVa, e rEti sociali
- SCUOLA - Smart Campus as Urban Open LAbs
- SHELL - Cluster Nazionale Smart Communities
- AUTOMOBILE - AUTOmatic Code Generation from models For MOBILE Applications
- KROG – Kinect RObot interaction in Gaming for children with autism
- Playful Learning on the Cloud
- M4ALL - Motion-based adaptable playful learning experiences for children with motor and mental disabilities
- GreenEyes - Networked energy-aware visual analysis
- COMFIT - Comunicazione multimediale integrata per la filiera del turismo
- Sistemi digitali ad alta affidabilità e tolleranti ai guasti in tecnologie nanometriche: caratterizzazione e metodologie progettuali
- Learning4All
- SeCo - Search Computing
- Stream computing in LARKC
- PerLa: un linguaggio dichiarativo e un'architettura di middleware per i sistemi pervasivi
- COOPER (Cooperative Open Environment for Project Centered Learning)