Horizon 2020
Ruolo DEIB: Partecipante
Data inizio: 01/12/2018
Durata: 36 mesi
The ultimate objectives of TRIGGER are to provide EU institutions with knowledge and tools to enhance their actorness, effectiveness and influence in global governance; and to develop new ways to harness the potential of public engagement and participatory foresight in complex governance decisions, thereby also tackling emerging trends such as nationalism, regionalism and protectionism. These overall objectives are designed to be measurable, realistic and achievable within the 36-month duration of the project. The TRIGGER consortium is composed of 14 partners, including four non-EU countries. TRIGGER will achieve its objectives thanks to the combined effort of four research sub-groups: (i) a group focused on global and EU governance, which will create an unprecedented Atlas of Global Governance REGulation and Europe’s AcTORness (AGGREGATOR); (ii) a group focused on the relationship between governance and emerging technologies; (iii) a group dedicated to strategic foresight and public engagement, which will use new techniques such as AI-enabled sentiment analysis and innovative public engagement methods to develop a tool on Co-Creating the European Union (COCTEAU); and (iv) a group specialised in dissemination and communication. All major deliverables will eventually merged into a toolkit dedicated to Public Engagement for Responsive and Shared EU Strategies (PERSEUS), which will be released at month 36 of the project.
DEIB is project coordinator and DIG - Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering is project partner in Politecnico di Milano.
DEIB is project coordinator and DIG - Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering is project partner in Politecnico di Milano.
Risultati del progetto ed eventuali pubblicazioni scientifiche/brevetti