Premi: Dati, web e società
- Premio di laurea magistrale “Mauro Meroni”
- Outstanding Dissertation Award – Runner Up
- Premio di laurea "Prof. Florian Daniel"
- Best Paper Award
- HELMeTO 2021 Award
- 2019 Colloquia Doctoralia Best Poster Award
- Amazon Machine Learning Research Awards
- ACM CHI2018 PhD Student Best Paper Award
- Microsoft AI for Earth Azure Research award
- "BEST STUDENT PAPER award" presso la 17th International Conference on Web Engineering
- Ann Thompson BEST PAPER award
- Full paper award at IEEE 25th ROMAN
- 2016 IEEE Multimedia Best Paper Award
- Invited talk
- Mirko Gelsomini Rocca Fellow
- Invited talk
- Invited paper
- Rapid Mashup Challenge 2015
- Premio Marisa Bellisario
- Invited talk
- Student Research Competition di ACM SRC
- Grant at CHEST for Fedorov
- IBM Faculty Awards 2015
- ICWE 2014 Best Paper Award
- IBM Ph.D. Fellowship Award
- AI Mashup Challenge 2013
- ICWE 2013: DEIB Best demo award
- IBM Faculty Awards 2013
- IBM Faculty Awards 2013
- ACM Fellow
- SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovations Award
- Senior member of ACM 2012
- Keynote speaker at ACM SAC 2012
- Tutorial Chair ER 2012
- Keynote speaker at International Workshop on Search Computing
- Keynote speaker at International Conference on Conceptual Modeling
- Best paper award at Educa Berlin 2012
- Member of ERC Starting Grants 2012 Review Panel
- Chair del workshop NETTAB 2012
- Member of the BITS
- Vincitori della Semantic Web Challenge 2011
- INNS Best Student Paper Award
- Keynote speaker at ICWE 2011
- Keynote speaker at ISCIS 2011
- Keynote speaker at ECSS 2011
- Keynote speaker at Dutch Belgian Database Day 2011
- IEEE Life Senior Member
- Member, Academia Europaea
- Best workshop paper award at IDC 2011,
- Member of the Steering Committee of the Informatics Europe Department Evaluation Initiative
- Member of the expert pool of the EQANIE European association
- Conference Chair of the ECSS
- Keynote speaker at a Workshop
- IEEE DFT Best Paper Award 2010
- E-Learn 2010 Outstanding Paper Award
- ACM-SIGCHI IDC 2010 Best Paper Award
- Best student paper award
- Keynote speaker at CAISE 2010
- Keynote speaker at ICMT 2010
- Keynote speaker at ICOODB 2010
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Best paper award
- Advanced Grant
- Advanced Grant
- Outstanding Paper Award
- Best paper award
- invited talk
- invited talk
- invited talk
- Articolo piu' scaricato dal sito dell'ACM nelle classifiche mensili degli ultimi 33 mesi
- IBM Faculty Award
- Outstanding Paper Award
- ACM SIGMOD interview
- Best paper award
- Most cited author in Computer Science
- Best Paper award
- The most complete solution at the Semantic Web Challenge
- invited talk
- Invited talk
- invited talk
- Top 10 database authors
- invited talk
- "Highly Commended Paper" award
- Board member of the Informatics Europe association
- invited talk
- Top 50 "Nurturers in Computer Science"
- Best Paper Award
- Best Paper Award
- Articolo più citato
- Articolo più citato
- invited talk
- Best student poster award
- 2002 Chorafas Foundation Award
- Best Paper Award
- 2000 Chorafas Foundation Award
- Invited paper
- Invited paper
- Invited paper
- Commendatore dell'Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana
- Premio VIII concorso bandito dal Soroptimist International d’Italia
- 1996 Chorafas Foundation Award
- Invited talk
- Autore più citato
- Invited paper
- Invited talk
- Best Paper Award
- Invited paper
- Invited paper
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk