Premi: Intelligenza artificiale e robotica
- Agricultural Technology Excellence Doctoral Prize
- IDEA League Fellowship Exchange Program
- Outstanding Paper Award
- Expert group on AI and Data in Education and Training della Commissione Europea
- 2020 Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation awards to the best PhD students
- 2019 Colloquia Doctoralia Best Poster Award
- IAS-15 Best Paper Award Nominee
- Full paper award at IEEE 25th ROMAN
- DeepVision Best Paper Award
- IDEAS 2016 Best Paper Award
- IFAAMAS Board of the Directors 2016-2022
- IEEE WACV Best paper Award 2016
- Amigoni co-chair of the IEEE RAS MDR WG
- 2015 AIxIA Award
- 2015 AIxIA Award
- 2015 Chorafas Foundation Award
- "Leonardo Lesmo" Award 2014 - CALANDRIELLO
- Working Capital Grant 2014
- AIxIA Marco Cadoli 2012 - NICOLA BASILICO
- RoboCup Rescue Simulation League, Virtual Robot Competition
- Working Capital Grant 2012
- Yahoo! 2012 Key Scientific Challenges Program Award
- Premio D'Auria
- Premio AIxIA Marco Somalvico 2011
- Migliore idea imprenditoriale all'Italian Round della Global Social Venture Competition
- ICUMT Best Paper Award
- Invited talk
- Best Student Paper Award
- Best paper award
- Invited talk
- Vincitore della competizione “Evolving Trading Rules”
- Finalista della competizione “Ant Wars”
- Best Paper Award
- Best paper award
- Premio di Laurea
- "Marco Somalvico" Artificial Intelligence Award
- Outstanding Paper Award
- Articolo più citato
- Invited paper
- Invited paper
- Invited paper
- 2003 Chorafas Foundation Award
- Invited paper
- Invited paper
- 10 Fulbright grants for a scholarship in a United States university
- Invited paper
- Invited talk