Premi: Metodologie e architetture software avanzate
- Best Paper Award
- ACM SenSys 2022 Test of Time Award
- DEBS Grand Challenge 2022 Performance Award
- Best Paper Award
- Outstanding Paper
- Best Presentation Award
- RE 2020 Most Influential Paper (MIP) Award
- ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers Best Poster Award 2019
- Premio PA sostenibile "100 progetti per raggiungere gli obiettivi dell’Agenda 2030”
- 2018 TCSE Distinguished Education Award
- ACM VLCS 2017 Best Paper Award
- 14th ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys) Best Paper Award
- Best Paper Award al workshop ACM Dronet durante ACM MobiSys
- 2016 ICSE ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award
- Best collaboration paper award alla conferenza Cloud Forward
- Keynote speaker at RealWSN
- Invited paper
- Invited talk
- Invited paper
- Invited talk
- Invited paper
- Keynote speaker at PESOS 2015
- SIGSOFT Outstanding Research Award 2015
- Keynote speaker at FME Workshop 2015
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Google Faculty Award 2015
- IBM Faculty Award 2015
- Invited paper
- Invited paper
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Chair of the IEEE STC on Sustainable Computing
- Luca Mottola invited to discuss Internet of Things at the House of Lords - UK Parliament
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Member of the Informatics Section of Academia Europaea
- Keynote speaker at the 4th International Conference on Sensor Systems and Software (S-CUBE)
- Young Innovator Award 2013
- Windows Azure for Research
- IBM Ph.D. Fellowship Award
- 2013 Chorafas Foundation Award
- Invited talk
- AWS in Education research grant
- Keynote speaker at NII Shonan Meeting
- HiPEAC Paper Award 2012
- Presidente di Informatics Europe
- Dr. Luis Federico Leloir Prize
- Chair of the IFIP Working Group in Service-Oriented Systems
- ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award
- ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award
- Member of the Evaluation Board Excellence Initiative for German Universities
- Panel chair ERC Advanced Grants (PE-06) 2011
- Keynote speaker at SEAMS 2011
- Keynote speaker at ECOWS 2011
- ERCIM Cor Bayeen Award
- Best Paper Award at 10th ACM/IEEE
- CBSE 2010 Best Paper Award
- Keynote speaker at ICECCS 2010
- Keynote speaker at SEMF 2010
- Keynote speaker at ESEM 2010
- Keynote speaker at ServiceWave 2010
- QoSA 2010 Best Paper Award
- 2010 Distinguished Scientists from the ACM
- IBM Faculty Award
- Google Research Award - CRESPI REGHIZZI STEFANO
- AWS in Education research grant
- EWSN/CONET Best Ph.D. Thesis Award
- Advanced Grant
- Advanced Grant
- Invited paper
- Most cited journal articles in software engineering from 2001
- Membro effettivo dell'Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere
- Chair of the G3ict Education Task Force
- ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Service Award
- invited talk
- Invited talk
- IEEE Fellowship
- invited talk
- invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Best Paper Award
- 2001 Chorafas Foundation Award
- Articolo più citato
- ACM Fellowship
- Articolo più citato
- 1998 Chorafas Foundation Award
- 1996 Chorafas Foundation Award
- Articolo più citato