The ECSEL Joint Undertaking - the Public-Private Partnership for Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership - has funded Research, Development and Innovation projects for world-class expertise in these key enabling technologies, essential for Europe's competitive leadership in the era of the digital economy.
Through the ECSEL JU, the European industry, SMEs and Research and Technology Organisations have been supported and co-financed by 30 ECSEL Participating States and the European Union.
ECSEL JU Members:
- Three associations (EPoSS, AENEAS and ARTEMIS Industry Association) representing the actors from the areas of micro- and nano-electronics, smart integrated systems and embedded/cyber-physical systems.
- the European Union (through the Commission);
- Member States and Associated Countries to the Framework Programme Horizon 2020 on a voluntary basis
ECSEL JU Participating States:
- Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, Turkey and Switzerland. (As of 1/2/2020, the UK left the European Union and is consequently no longer a member of the ECSEL JU).
ECSEL JU Office will become the KDT (Key Digital Technologies) JU Office once the KDT JU is launched, within the end of 2021.
Identified as one of the priorities at the heart of ensuring Europe’s digital sovereignty, KDT JU will support the digital transformation of all economic and societal sectors, make the transformation work for Europe and support the European Green Deal by contributing towards the EU’s target of becoming the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050. Elements of the Green Deal such as the supply of clean, affordable and secure energy, resource-efficient buildings, sustainable and smart mobility, as well as healthy and environment-friendly food supply chains all rely on KDTs to achieve their ambitions. It aims to reinforce Europe’s potential to innovate through contribution of electronic components and systems, including microsystems, software technologies, sub-assemblies, and systems of systems giving secure and trusted technologies to strategic value chains.
- Provide innovative electronic components and systems, software and smart integration to digital value chains, providing secure and trusted technologies tailored to the needs of user industries and citizens.
- Develop and apply these technologies to address major global challenges in mobility, health, energy, security, manufacturing and digital communications.
- Better align R&I and industrial policies for a joint approach in mastering these drivers of innovation.
- KDT extends the scope and includes integrated photonics and higher layers of software. KDT also expands the value-chain coverage with stronger involvement of users.
ECSEL had a total of € 4,9 billion investment in 2014-2020 and included 10 calls, 64 projects, and more than 2 100 participants. The KDT joint undertaking is expected to significantly increase investments, as compared to its predecessor, ECSEL.