Premi: Analisi dei sistemi biologici e e-health
- ESA Head-Down Bed Rest Expert Group
- Nomina a membro della giuria degli AboutPharma Digital Awards
- Keynote Speech
- Nomina ad Advisor del Regulatory Affairs Committee
- Nomina a componente dell’Area “Digital Health e intelligenza artificiale”
- Membro del Regulatory Affairs Committee della Società Europea di Cardiologia
- Invited speaker
- Invited Speaker allo European Society of Cardiology Digital Summit 2021 sul tema "Saving lives by optimising city-wide positioning of defibrillator"
- Invited Speaker al Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri (ANMCO)
- Premi di Laurea e di Dottorato banditi Gruppo Nazionale Bioingegneria 2020
- Vice-Chair of the ESC Digital Health Committee
- Invited Speaker at EuroHeartCare Congress
- Best poster Award at 5° eCardiology and eHealth congress
- Invited Speaker at the 5° eCardiology and eHealth Conference
- Invited Speaker at the 5° eCardiology and eHealth Conference - 2nd talk
- Invited Speaker at Eurothrombosis 2018
- Invited Speaker at "Convegno Intelligenza Artificiale e Ricerca Clinica" in Milano
- Invited Speaker at "Congresso Luci e ombre in Aritmologia" in Pisa
- Past-Chair of the Working Group on e-Cardiology, European Society of Cardiology
- Member of the Advocacy and Public Policy Committee, European Society of Cardiology
- Invited Speaker at the European Society of Cardiology Congress
- Invited Speaker at the European Society of Cardiology Congress - 2nd talk
- Editorial Board member of the journal "Sensors"
- Invited Speaker at Congresso ANMCO VeNEXTo 2018
- Invited Speaker at the Europrevent 2018
- Invited Speaker at 15° Congresso Nazionale AIAC
- Invited Speaker at CardioEgypt 2018
- Invited speaker
- Keynote Speaker
- International Guest Speaker
- Comitato Etico degli IRCCS di IEO e di CCM
- ESC Moderated Poster Award
- Innovation Advisory Board of the CompBioMed Centre of Excellence
- Invited Plenary Speaker
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Vice-chairman del Working Group e-Cardiology della Societá Europea di Cardiologia
- Nomina membro del CEPR
- Fellow of EAMBE
- Secretary of the Working Group e-Cardiology, European Society of Cardiology
- Conference Chair and Program chair of the BSI2012
- Best Poster Award
- Nightingale Prize 2011
- Milano Ambassador of the City Award
- Nightingale Prize 2010
- Chairman IEEE Italian Chapter BME-18
- Board of Directors of the IFESS
- Chair of the IMIA WG 7
- 2010 Martin Black Prize