CNR - Dirigente di ricerca
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Gabriella Tognola received her Master degree in Electronic Engineering and PhD degree in Biomedical Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano in 1993 and 1998. Since 2001, she is a Research Scientist at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). Since November 2003, Gabriella Tognola is coordinating the International Group on Childhood Hearing. Her primary research interests are in neural engineering, modeling of the peripheral hearing system and physiological acoustics, study of advanced techniques for cochlear implant mapping and speech processing, signal processing for biomedical signals, otoacoustic emissions, biomedical image processing and volume visualization techniques for biomedical applications, 3D laser scanning and surface reconstruction techniques, magnetic stimulation of the nervous system, and study of biological of electromagnetic fields effects on animals and humans. Gabriella Tognola is author of about 50 papers in international peer-reviewed journals, editor of three books and gave than 100 contributions to International and National Conferences.