R3-PowerUP: 300mm Pilot Line for Smart Power and Power Discretes
Horizon 2020
Ruolo DEIB: Partecipante
Data inizio: 01/11/2017
Durata: 42 mesi
R3-Power-UP aims to develop a 300 mm pilot line for the production of "Smart-Power" and discrete power devices. High energy efficiency will be pursued to meet the objectives of saving and limiting emissions.
The R3-POWERUP project can be considered as the preparatory study to the big leap from 200mm to 300mm fab. The overall concept of R3-POWERUP is the setup of the 300mm Pilot Line for Smart Power devices that will allow:
- The development of more advanced Smart Power technology generations calling for
- The development of critical process steps of power discrete devices (i.e. IGBT and vertical power MOS) at 300mm and the investigation of the compatibility/sinergy with Smart Power processing in the same line;
- The validation of the Smart Power process through the Final Demonstrators, developed with the key application and technology partners, covering all aspects from device technology to application vehicles and 3D packaging;
- The validation of the economic feasibility of 300mm processing for Smart Power and Power discrete devices, in view of the future extension to 300mm full production scale.
- As such, the project is truly multi-disciplinary:
- New Silicon process development;
- Innovative Equipment development;
- New Packaging, including power and System-in-Package considerations;
- Industry 4.0 and big-data analytics for Smart Manufacturing concepts;
and finally it will exploit very relevant application driven solutions for Automotive, Smart Energy, renewable and industrial control domains through the Final Demonstrators.
Risultati del progetto ed eventuali pubblicazioni scientifiche/brevetti