Horizon 2020
Ruolo DEIB: Partecipante
Data inizio: 01/05/2017
Durata: 20 mesi
Alessandra Pedrocchi from DEIB and her research team have developed, within the CerebNEST project, a computational model based on neural spiking bioispired networks of cerebellum that allows to control virtual and non-virtual robotic platforms, to simulate motor behaviors typically guided by cerebellum.
This research allowed Nao robot of Nearlab to be the first humanoid robot with artificial cerebellum that imitates the human one, made by Università di Pavia and Politecnico di Milano.
CerebNEST has been accepted as a Human Brain Project Partnering Project, European Union Flagship, within the FET H2020 program, making Politecncio di Milano Associate Member of HPB.