Dottorando di Ricerca in Bioingegneria
Luca Soliveri received the M.Sc. in Engineering and Management for Health from the University of Bergamo in 2020, graduating 110/110 cum laude. He is collaborating since 2017 with the Medical Imaging Lab of the Bioengineering Department of the Mario Negri Institute.
Since November 2021, he is enrolled in the Bioengineering PhD program at the Politecnico di Milano. His research activity mainly focuses on fluid dynamics studies and fluid-structure interaction analysis for the investigation of the vascular wall remodelling in arteriovenous fistulae for hemodialysis.
Since November 2021, he is enrolled in the Bioengineering PhD program at the Politecnico di Milano. His research activity mainly focuses on fluid dynamics studies and fluid-structure interaction analysis for the investigation of the vascular wall remodelling in arteriovenous fistulae for hemodialysis.