Premi: Reti di telecomunicazioni
- Best Paper Award at the 15th International Conference on Network and Service Management
- IEEE 2019 Newly Elevated Fellows
- 2018 Charles Kao Award for Best Optical Communications & Networking paper
- 2017 Transmission, Access, and Optical Systems (TAOS) Technical Committee's Best Paper Award
- IEEE Globecom 2016 Best Paper Award
- Fabio Neri Best Paper Award
- Best paper award - IEEE Online Conference on Green Communications
- Certificate of Appreciation of the IEEE Communications Society
- Harold Sobol Award for Exemplary Service to Meetings & Conferences
- TAOS Outstanding Service Award 2014
- Certificate of Appreciation of the IEEE Communications Society
- Vice-President/Member Relations of the IEEE Communications Society
- Keynote speaker PSGWC 2013
- Member-at-Large nel Board of Governors (2013-2015) della IEEE Communications Society
- Fabio Neri Best Paper Award
- IEEE GLOBECOM 2012 Technical Program Vice Chair
- IEEE ANTS 2012 Best Paper Award
- Invited Talk
- Certificate of Appreciation from IEEE
- Keynote speaker at ICC 2011
- IEEE LATINCOM 2010 Best Paper Award
- Certificate of Appreciation from IEEE
- Member of the Technical Committees Recertification
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- NGI 2009 Best Paper Award
- Invited talk
- Certificate of Appreciation from IEEE
- invited talk
- invited talk
- Certificate of Appreciation from IEEE
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Premio di Laurea "Meucci-Marconi" - Ilaria Malanchini
- Gruppo Nazionale Telecomunicazioni e Teoria dell’Informazione (GTTI) Best Paper Award
- Director of Education of the IEEE Communications Society (2008-2009)
- IEEE Communications Society Exemplary Global Service Award
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Certificate of appreciation from IEEE
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Certificate of Appreciation from IEEE
- invited talk
- Certificate of appreciation from IEEE
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Certificate of appreciation from IEEE
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- 2005 Chorafas Foundation Award - FABIO MARTIGNON
- invited talk
- Invited talk
- Certificate of appreciation from IEEE
- 2004 Chorafas Foundation Award
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- IEEE Distinguished Lecturer
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- invited talk
- invited talk
- invited talk