Vittorio Rampa graduated in Electronic Engineering (cum laude) at the Politecnico di Milano in 1984. In 1986, he joined the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR - National Research Council), initially the Centre for Space Telecommunication Studies (CSTS) in Milano as a Research Associate. In 2001, CSTS merged with other CNR Research Centers and became IEIIT Institute (Istituto di Elettronica e Ingegneria dell'Informazione e delle Telecomunicazioni). Since 1999 he is Contract Professor at the Politecnico di Milano where he teaches a course on Software Defined Radio (SDR) algorithms and architectures. In 2001 he became Senior Researcher at the IEIIT Institute in Milano (IEIIT-MI) where since 2004, he is in charge of the targeted program “Integrated wireless Networks for High-speed access” (Reti wireless integrate per accesso ad alta velocità)”. In 2006, with other colleagues, he founded Wisytech Srl a spin-off company with the mission to transfer into innovative products the know-how of the Research Labs of the Politecnico di Milano and CNR. His main research interests are focused on signal processing algorithms/architectures for wireless communications and virtual instrumentation techniques for test and verification of wireless systems. For a list of the research activities please take a look at the IEIIT-MI web page of the Communication Systems and Information Theory Group.