Collaboratore alla Ricerca / Didattica
Valentina Breschi is a Junior Assistant Professor at Politecnico di Milano, within the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering (DEIB). She received her B.Sc. in Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering - curriculum Automation (2011) and her M.Sc. in Electric and Automation Engineering - curriculum Automation (2014) from the University of Florence. She obtained her PhD in Control Systems in 2018 from IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, under the supervision of Professor A. Bemporad and Dr. Dario Piga. From January to July 2017 she was a visiting scholar at the Aerospace Department, University of Michigan (U.S.A), under the supervision of Professor I. Kolmanovsky, working on cloud-based collaborative identification techniques. Her research interests include hybrid/jump system identification, data-driven control, collaborative learning, data-analysis and policy design for mobility systems.