Currently, I'm doing my PhD from Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering (DEIB), Politecnico di Milano, Italy, with Assistant Professors Matteo Rossi and Alessandro Margara. My prevailing effort involves stateful stream processing, especially concentrating on dynamically evolving large scale graphs. The research work focuses on pattern detection in swiftly changing graphs in stream processing regime.
Previously, I served for 6 years in Pakistani industry working essentially on FPGAs, web development and embedded systems. Followed by 5 years in Germany focusing projects in Machine learning, web development and embedded systems. In total, I worked in the industry for 11 years in serval areas including Web development, embedded systems, machine learning and digital design in companies like Siemens, Fiat, MIMO On and Algo Systems. My current research interests are large scale data mining and graph processing, machine learning and big data analytics.