Dottorando di Ricerca in Ingegneria dell'Informazione
Assegnista di Ricerca
Assegnista di Ricerca
Alessio Russo is currently a Ph.D. Fellow at Politecnico di Milano supervised by Professor Marcello Restelli. In 2019 he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Informatics Engineering. Two years later he received a Master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering defending the thesis “Towards Making Importance Sampling Practical” advised by Professor Restelli.
He is a member of the AI research group of the spin-off MLCube.
His main research areas include non-stationary environments with a focus on the identification of changes in streaming data and on methods able to prevent degradation of ML models’ performances.
He is a member of the AI research group of the spin-off MLCube.
His main research areas include non-stationary environments with a focus on the identification of changes in streaming data and on methods able to prevent degradation of ML models’ performances.