Harness the Air: Active Morphing Aeroelastic Structures

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Xuerui Wang (Delft University of Technology)
Thursday, July 18, 2024 | 3:30 p.m.
Politecnico di Milano - Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering
Beta Room (Building 24)
Contact: Prof. Lorenzo Fagiano | lorenzo.fagiano@polimi.it
Research line: Control Systems
Thursday, July 18, 2024 | 3:30 p.m.
Politecnico di Milano - Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering
Beta Room (Building 24)
Contact: Prof. Lorenzo Fagiano | lorenzo.fagiano@polimi.it
Research line: Control Systems
Climate change is an existential threat. Achieving climate neutrality requires synergistic actions from two aspects: 1) exploiting sustainable energy sources, including wind energy; 2) enhancing energy consumption efficiency, such as making flights more energy-efficient. However, aerospace and wind energy sciences are facing a dilemma: the pursuit of efficiency has driven their structures to evolve towards having slender configurations and ultralight materials. Unfortunately, the resulting increase in flexibility also makes structures more sensitive to atmospheric disturbances, leading to undesirable vibrations, fatigue, and even fatal accidents.
“Smart” active morphing has great potential to revolutionise aerospace and wind energy sciences as flexibility is exploited to actively adapt structure shape during air operations, like birds do. This is a challenging research area requiring interdisciplinary expertise (aeroelasticity, control, and optimisation). In this seminar, Xuerui Wang will discuss about the control of morphing structures and will present open challenges that can be tackled from the control point of view.
“Smart” active morphing has great potential to revolutionise aerospace and wind energy sciences as flexibility is exploited to actively adapt structure shape during air operations, like birds do. This is a challenging research area requiring interdisciplinary expertise (aeroelasticity, control, and optimisation). In this seminar, Xuerui Wang will discuss about the control of morphing structures and will present open challenges that can be tackled from the control point of view.
Xuerui Wang received her Ph.D. degree in aerospace engineering from Delft University of Technology (TUD), Delft, the Netherlands, in 2019. From May 2019 to May 2020, she was a postdoctoral researcher with the Smart and Aeroelastic Structure Laboratory in TUD.
Since May 2020, she has become an assistant professor in the faculty of aerospace engineering of TUD. Her tenure track program is co-funded by the department of control and operations and the department of aerospace structures and materials. She was tenured in October of 2023.
She serves as a member of the technical committee of AIAA-GNC and IFAC-ACA. She also chairs technical sessions and AIAA SciTech in 2024 and 2025. Her research interests include nonlinear control, aeroelasticity, aerial robotics, and active morphing structures.