Modelling and Control of a Multichamber Air Spring for Automotive Applications

Speaker: Gabriele Marini (DEIB, Politecnico di Milano)
DEIB - Nicola Schiavoni Seminar Room (Building 20)
April 24, 2024 | 11:45 pm
Contacts: Prof. Simone Formentin
A multichamber suspension is an innovative type of road vehicle suspension whose spring is composed of multiple auxiliary air reservoirs connected to a main pneumatic chamber. A set of controllable valves regulate the airflow among the different chambers. This configuration allows us to modulate the spring stiffness by valve switching, hence with low actuation cost, high safety and fast modulation performance, representing a breakthrough characteristic for commercial vehicle suspensions. The first goal of this research is the development of a control-oriented spring model which considers the air mass dynamics through the valve and the valve position partialization. The second goal concerns the design of comfort- and handling-oriented control strategies that see the spring as an energy storage which releases energy via proper valve opening. The model and the control strategies are experimentally validated using a suspension test bench, showing the spring capability to achieve the desired control objectives over a wide portfolio of road profile shapes.