Towards a smart electromagnetic environment

Prof. Danilo Erricolo
University of Illinois Chicago, IL, USA
DEIB - Seminar Room "N. Schiavoni" (Bld. 20)
October 9th, 2023
11.00 am
Marco Sampietro
Research Line:
Electron devices
University of Illinois Chicago, IL, USA
DEIB - Seminar Room "N. Schiavoni" (Bld. 20)
October 9th, 2023
11.00 am
Marco Sampietro
Research Line:
Electron devices
On October 9th, 2023 at 11.00 am Danilo Erricolo, Professor at University of Illinois Chicago, IL, USA, will hold a seminar on "Towards a smart electromagnetic environment" in DEIB Seminar Room "Nicola Schiavoni" (Building 20).
The talk will be focusing on the anticipated future generations of wireless systems that are bringing closer together antenna perspectives with propagation aspects, towards the creation of a smart electromagnetic environment to increase the overall communication channel capacity. Deeper understanding of propagation phenomena and antenna design is fundamental for Massive Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) systems that leverage the diversity of the electromagnetic field at different locations, where massive refers to the number of antennas being larger than the number of users. New research efforts are being devoted towards the creation of a smart electromagnetic environment. The novelty consists in achieving a holistic approach where the environment in which propagation occurs, together with the wireless infrastructure and the users are all taken into account to improve the performance of the system. Next generation multi‐user multi‐antenna architectures could maximize the signal-to-noise-ratio by spatially distributing the power to constructively exploit the wave scattering phenomena in the multipath propagation environment.
As an example in urban environments, the scattering scenario needs to be considered as an asset rather than an impediment. Accordingly, building walls may be seen as an opportunity to install intelligent reflective surfaces to improve coverage at locations that cannot be reached through direct line-of-sight-paths.
The talk will be focusing on the anticipated future generations of wireless systems that are bringing closer together antenna perspectives with propagation aspects, towards the creation of a smart electromagnetic environment to increase the overall communication channel capacity. Deeper understanding of propagation phenomena and antenna design is fundamental for Massive Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) systems that leverage the diversity of the electromagnetic field at different locations, where massive refers to the number of antennas being larger than the number of users. New research efforts are being devoted towards the creation of a smart electromagnetic environment. The novelty consists in achieving a holistic approach where the environment in which propagation occurs, together with the wireless infrastructure and the users are all taken into account to improve the performance of the system. Next generation multi‐user multi‐antenna architectures could maximize the signal-to-noise-ratio by spatially distributing the power to constructively exploit the wave scattering phenomena in the multipath propagation environment.
As an example in urban environments, the scattering scenario needs to be considered as an asset rather than an impediment. Accordingly, building walls may be seen as an opportunity to install intelligent reflective surfaces to improve coverage at locations that cannot be reached through direct line-of-sight-paths.
Danilo Erricolo is an Alumnus of Politecnico and received the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of Illinois (UIC), Chicago, USA. He is the Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the Director of the Andrew Electromagnetics Laboratory and adjunct Professor of Bioengineering at UIC.
He has authored or coauthored more than 320 publications. His research interests are primarily in the areas of antenna design, electromagnetic propagation and scattering, high-frequency techniques, wireless communications, electromagnetic compatibility, the computation of special functions and magnetic resonance imaging.
Dr. Erricolo has served as Chair in a number of Committee of scientific institutions (IEEE, URSI) as well as of conference technical programs. He has been the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (2016–2022). He is a Fellow of IEEE, a Fellow of AAIA and the recipient of the 2023 USNC-URSI Impact Award.
He has authored or coauthored more than 320 publications. His research interests are primarily in the areas of antenna design, electromagnetic propagation and scattering, high-frequency techniques, wireless communications, electromagnetic compatibility, the computation of special functions and magnetic resonance imaging.
Dr. Erricolo has served as Chair in a number of Committee of scientific institutions (IEEE, URSI) as well as of conference technical programs. He has been the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (2016–2022). He is a Fellow of IEEE, a Fellow of AAIA and the recipient of the 2023 USNC-URSI Impact Award.